Incident Templates

Statuspal lets you create and manage incident templates that you can use to speed up the process of creating and updating incidents, you can take advantage of this feature to avoid repetitive copying and pasting of incident updates that you see often.

How to Create and Manage Incident Templates

Click on "Dashboard > Templates" in your Admin panel to access the incident templates tab.

Here you'll be able to create and manage your templates, if you click on "New Template" you'll be able to enter:

  • Title: If applied to an incident it will be used for the title of the incident, it will be displayed in the templates dropdown too, when selecting one to apply it.
  • Description: This text will be applied to the incident update description.

Once the template is saved you should be able to see it in the "Templates" dropdown when creating or updating incidents.

Using Incident Templates

Once you have created some templates you should be able to use them when creating or updating an incident, to apply a templates simply click on the "Templates" dropdown and select one, selecting it should cause its title and description to be placed in the title and description of the incident.

Templates drop-down when creating/editing incident

Templates drop-down when creating incident update

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