Notify your Customer via Slack

With Statuspal you can send real time status updates to your customers via Slack, enabling it is as super easy, and for them to subscribe to Slack notifications is just as easy.

In order to enable the Slack integration just click on Subscriptions in the sidebar of your status page admin site, then click on Sub. Settings and find the "Enable Slack subscriptions" checkbox, check it and click on Update to save your settings.

Status Page Slack Notifications

Once you have enabled the feature your customers will see an "Add to Slack" button in the "Subscribe to Updates" modal in your status page.

By clicking it they'll be redirected to another screen describing the process that'll allow them to connect to their Slack workplace.

We'll ask them only for the absolute necessary permissions, i.e. we don't store their personal information.

After they accept to connect to our Slack app they see a final screen where they can choose the Slack channel they'd like to status updates to be sent to, they can keep this link for the future in case they want to change the channel or cancel their subscription.

After this process they should start to receive status updates as you post them on your status page as long as you check the checkbox "Notify Slack subscribers".

You don't have a Status Page yet? go ahead and create one in seconds at