Configure Monitoring for a Service
Statuspal is one of the only status platforms that allows you to monitor your services AND have a hosted status page both in one place.
How it Works
Statuspal's monitoring is extremely simple and easy to setup, it only takes a few clicks, and from then on we'll ping a URL of your choice periodically (every 1 minute) and if the associated service goes down or becomes unresponsive we'll notify you (and anybody on your team that you choose) after a 5 minutes threshold, we'll also let you know as soon as it comes back up (after a 2 minutes threshold).
How to Configure it
In order to enable monitoring for a service follow these steps:
- Find the service you want to monitor and click Edit.

2.Check the "Monitoring" section.
Here you can chose Statuspal's monitoring service:
If you choose to activate Statuspal's monitoring service, the following fields will be displayed.
If you choose a 3rd Party's monitoring service, you will see a menu like this
3.Some new fields will become visible:
- Ping URL: Enter the Ping URL of your service, which we will ping periodically (HTTP HEAD requests) to determine if your service is up, it should return 2XX or 3XX status to signal its working properly.
- Method: You You can select between different methods.
- Notification recipients: You can select what members of yur team should be notified when this service goes down/up, you can hold control/command to select more than one, you can add new team members by following the link provided there.
- Check Automatically create incident to have an incident created automatically when this service is down.
- Check Pause monitoring during maintenances to prevent our monitoring system to notify you or create incidents automatically during a scheduled maintenance.
- Check Display Response Time Chart if you want a response time chart in your status page for this service.
4.Click on Update and you are done, your now have a monitored service!.
You don't have a Status Page yet? go ahead and create one in seconds at