
Statuspal supports webhooks for you to be able to receive events from your status page and monitoring, configuring a webhook is fairly simple, you just need a URL (an endpoint in a server configured by you) and the events for which you want to be notified, when one of the selected events occurs we'll send a POST request to your endpoint with related information as a JSON payload in the body.

To configure a webhook click on the Webhooks menu item in the sidebar, then click on New Webhook.

Enter the endpoint URL and select one or more events, once you have created the webhook you can click on "Send test request" and we'll send a test webhook request to your server, you can see the latest response from your server appear.

Webhook Events

This is a list of the currently available webhook events and what their payloads look like.


Triggered when a service configured with our internal monitoring goes up/down.

    "event": "service.monitored_status.updated",
    "data": {
        "object": {
            "type": "service",
            "parent_id": null,
            "name": "API",
            "id": 123,
            "display_response_time_chart": false,
            "current_incident_type": null
        "monitored_status": "up"

incident.created, incident.updated, incident.deleted

Triggered during the lifecycle of an incident, they all send the same payload.

    "event": "incident.updated",
    "data": {
        "object": {
            "type": "incident",
            "starts_at": "2020-03-11T12:47:17",
            "ends_at": null
            "service_ids": [1,2],
            "l_title": [ {"lang": "en", "text": "Incident title"} ],
            "id": 123,

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