Support Multiple Languages in Your Status Page

Statuspal allows you to communicate incidents and maintenance in any language, even in multiple languages. All of this out of the box, easily and with no external services.

In order to enable this, click on  "Languages" in the sidebar of your status page's admin site.

By default no languages are in the list, and English is the default supported language, in order to configure a new language other than English (or if you want to customize the default English translation) click on New language.

Select from the language selector the one you'd like to use, and check "Set as default" if you'd like it to be used by default when a customer hasn't manually selected a different one.

Create a custom translation

There are two reasons you might want to configure a custom translation
1) The language you want to use is not supported by us (yet), you can verify this in your language list:
2) You want to customize some fields of the default translation for a language we provide, for example you might want to configure the From name in you subscriber notifications, this is possible with a custom translation.
In order to configure a custom translation click on Edit on the language you want to customize, you'll see a link to download the base .YAML file of the translation, click to download it.

Edit the .YAML file with a plain text editor, change any fields you'd like to customize, then go back to the language form, upload the .YAML file and click Update.

Communicating incidents in multiple languages

After you have configured your languages you should be able to publish incidents in this languages, and your users will see the status page in the language which they have configured in their computers.

You will see tabs with your sported languages in the translatable fields (title and update description. If you think we should enable translation in more fields let us know at [email protected]).

Your customers will also see a drop-down with a list with your supported languages in the footer of your status page so they can change its language easily:

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